Under the proposed plan, how will vehicles enter Cobbdale?

    Vehicles will enter the neighborhood the same way they do today. They will enter at the traffic signal and have the option to turn left onto Assembly Drive or right onto the service road toward Norman Avenue or Oak Place, only it will operate as a one-way south-north road.  

    How will vehicles exit Cobbdale?

    Under the proposed reconfiguration of the intersection, vehicles exiting Cobbdale will turn left onto Oak Place and access a new traffic signal at Chain Bridge Road that will be located north of the existing signal at Eaton/Chain Bridge Road. The exit route out of the neighborhood is the primary difference between existing and proposed conditions, and it is a key component to improving functionality of both the side streets and Chain Bridge Road. By shifting some of the traffic from the Eaton/Chain Bridge road intersection to this new intersection, we can reduce pressure at the Eaton intersection, which will reduce congestion, reduce wait times at traffic signals all along the corridor, and improve safety.

    Where will school buses stop under the proposed redesign?

    The project would include installation of a new sidewalk on the west side of Oak Place connecting Assembly Drive to Norman Avenue. This would enable FCPS to consolidate the bus stops on Oak Place at Assembly Drive and Cobbs Grove Lane into one new stop on Norman Avenue. In both the morning and afternoon, the buses would travel west to east on Norman Ave, pick up kids at the stop on Norman Ave before the intersection with Oak Place, and then proceed to the new signal. Removing the bus stops at Assembly Drive and Cobbs Grove Lane will reduce the backup onto Chain Bridge Road caused by stopped buses. FCPS Office of Transportation has written a letter of support for the proposed intersection modifications, provided that the new sidewalk is included in the design.  

    Can the new intersection accommodate two lanes for exiting vehicles so that right turning vehicles do not have to wait behind left turners?

    The City is evaluating the option of adding a second lane at the exit, which appears to be feasible.