Chain Bridge Road Sidewalk Improvements

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July 22, 2024, UPDATE: Watch the July 9 public hearing(External link). Feedback received through July 21 has been shared with City Council.

June 9, 2024, UPDATE: A public hearing will be held July 9. Please review the 60% plans on this page and share your feedback below in the discussion area. Provide written or oral comments at the hearing or submit them here by July 21.

  1. View the 60% plans.
  2. View the public hearing exhibit.
  3. View the environmental document.

Fairfax City proposes to construct 1,850 linear feet of new sidewalk along the west side of Chain Bridge Road between

July 22, 2024, UPDATE: Watch the July 9 public hearing(External link). Feedback received through July 21 has been shared with City Council.

June 9, 2024, UPDATE: A public hearing will be held July 9. Please review the 60% plans on this page and share your feedback below in the discussion area. Provide written or oral comments at the hearing or submit them here by July 21.

  1. View the 60% plans.
  2. View the public hearing exhibit.
  3. View the environmental document.

Fairfax City proposes to construct 1,850 linear feet of new sidewalk along the west side of Chain Bridge Road between Taba Cove and Warwick Avenue. Once complete, the sidewalk will provide a safe pedestrian connection between Old Town Fairfax and the growing Northfax area. The project also includes:

  • Improving bus stops.
  • Installing curb and gutter for better drainage.
  • Improving lighting.

On July 14, 2020, the Fairfax City Council passed a resolution approving the city’s application for SmartScale funding, a competitive Virginia Department of Transportation program that scores potential projects on several factors, including congestion mitigation, safety, economic development, environmental quality, accessibility, and land use. Once the projects are scored, they are then ranked and selected for funding by the Commonwealth Transportation Board.

The city was awarded $9.25 million in SmartScale funding for this project. To construct the project, the city will need to acquire easements from some adjacent property owners.

A public hearing for the 60% designs is slated for July 9, 2024. Property acquisition and utility relocation would take place in 2025 followed by construction in 2026.

Discussions: All (1) Open (0)
Page last updated: 22 Jul 2024, 12:25 PM