Opinion from an immigrant

As an immigrant from a country ruled by a theocratic dictator, I know first hand the slippery slope of changing names and taking down monuments. When the Mullahs took over Iran, they worked hard to delete Iran's past. Not only do they exclude the real history (good and bad) from text books, but they only include information that fits their narrative. So even though Iran is NOW a dominantly Islamic country, there is little traces of the over 10,000 years of rich Zoroastrian history. You may not think that's controversial, but anything that's not about Islam is controversial to the Mullahs. I learned 1000x more about Iran's history living in the U.S., than in Iran.

How does this tie into Mosby Woods? As an actual resident of Mosby Woods, I can tell you the names did not affect me NOR my African American neighbor who bought his home here on Plantation nearly 40 years ago. The welcoming nature of the residents is what attracted us to Mosby Woods.

John Mosby was around 30 when the Civil War ended. He did A LOT of good AFTER the Civil War, including being a key member of Reconstruction Era and helping elect Ulysses S Grant. He was friends in General Patton's parents and in his biography, it talks about how John Mosby would play Civil War reenactment and teach him about which strategies failed and succeeded on both sides. This inspired him to join the military and he used some of those lessons that Mosby taught him to defeat the Nazis.

If everyone who lived well over 80, was judged by dumb decisions they made in their 20s, then many of our recent presidents wouldn't have been elected. Heck, most politicians wouldn't be in office.

If you all choose to rename everything, then when are you all going to change the City's name? Lord Fairfax the 6th was much worse than Mosby could ever be. Not only did he own Hundreds of slaves, but he also Sold slaves.

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On July 12, 2022, City Council voted to change the names of 14 streets as recommended by the Stakeholder Advisory Group. Watch the meeting.