CUE Transit Development Plan

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The City of Fairfax is evaluating its CUE Bus service. The CUE Transit Development Plan was last updated in 2016, and we’re now updating the plan to guide how we operate CUE for the next ten years. We are asking riders (and non-riders) to tell us about their travel habits on CUE and what their top priorities are for the CUE bus system.

We want to hear how CUE can better meet your needs, even if you haven’t ridden the bus yet. Please take the survey(External link) and provide your candid feedback about CUE. (The survey is available in Spanish(External link).) The survey closes Feb. 26.

We know you’re busy, and we appreciate your time. For completing the survey, you may enter for a chance to win a $50 gift card!


A transit development plan is a planning document that helps CUE and the city identify goals, evaluate existing conditions and additional needs, and identify ways to meet those needs in both the near- and long-term. A transit development plan is also required by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation to obtain operating and capital funding or the CUE Bus service, and the plan must be updated every five years.

Many city plans are relevant to the city's transit goals and are being reviewed as part of the plan update.

The plan will also consider how plans and transit services in neighboring jurisdictions and in the region can be coordinated with the city’s plans and CUE bus service.

Take the survey(External link)

Want to chat with the project team? Stop by our booth at the Chocolate Lovers Festival:

  • Saturday, Feb. 1, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Old Town Square (CUE stop #187)

Or, visit us at one of the bus stop chats:

  • Thursday, Jan. 30, 3-6 p.m.: Vienna Metrorail North Bus Loop (CUE stop #1)
  • Tuesday, Feb. 4, 3-6 p.m.: Rappahannock Lane at Patriot Circle (CUE stop #30)
  • Saturday, Feb. 8, Noon-3 p.m.: Ride-along Fairfax Blvd and Pickett Rd (CUE stop #186)
  • Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2-5 p.m.: Pickett Rd at Pickett Shopping Center (CUE stop #46)
  • Saturday, Feb. 15, Noon-3 p.m.: Main St and Rust Rd (CUE stop #79)
  • Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2-5 p.m.: Pickett Rd at Pickett Shopping Center (CUE stop #46)

The City of Fairfax is evaluating its CUE Bus service. The CUE Transit Development Plan was last updated in 2016, and we’re now updating the plan to guide how we operate CUE for the next ten years. We are asking riders (and non-riders) to tell us about their travel habits on CUE and what their top priorities are for the CUE bus system.

We want to hear how CUE can better meet your needs, even if you haven’t ridden the bus yet. Please take the survey(External link) and provide your candid feedback about CUE. (The survey is available in Spanish(External link).) The survey closes Feb. 26.

We know you’re busy, and we appreciate your time. For completing the survey, you may enter for a chance to win a $50 gift card!


A transit development plan is a planning document that helps CUE and the city identify goals, evaluate existing conditions and additional needs, and identify ways to meet those needs in both the near- and long-term. A transit development plan is also required by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation to obtain operating and capital funding or the CUE Bus service, and the plan must be updated every five years.

Many city plans are relevant to the city's transit goals and are being reviewed as part of the plan update.

The plan will also consider how plans and transit services in neighboring jurisdictions and in the region can be coordinated with the city’s plans and CUE bus service.

Take the survey(External link)

Want to chat with the project team? Stop by our booth at the Chocolate Lovers Festival:

  • Saturday, Feb. 1, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.: Old Town Square (CUE stop #187)

Or, visit us at one of the bus stop chats:

  • Thursday, Jan. 30, 3-6 p.m.: Vienna Metrorail North Bus Loop (CUE stop #1)
  • Tuesday, Feb. 4, 3-6 p.m.: Rappahannock Lane at Patriot Circle (CUE stop #30)
  • Saturday, Feb. 8, Noon-3 p.m.: Ride-along Fairfax Blvd and Pickett Rd (CUE stop #186)
  • Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2-5 p.m.: Pickett Rd at Pickett Shopping Center (CUE stop #46)
  • Saturday, Feb. 15, Noon-3 p.m.: Main St and Rust Rd (CUE stop #79)
  • Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2-5 p.m.: Pickett Rd at Pickett Shopping Center (CUE stop #46)
Page last updated: 11 Feb 2025, 01:38 PM