Future Stream Restoration Projects

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Help guide future stream restoration projects in Fairfax City.

The city recently completed a comprehensive assessment of Accotink Creek. The project team walked the entire stream and all its tributaries. Recorded observations included stream bank erosion, riparian buffer conditions, floodplain connection, and many more characteristics.

The data identified seven locations for potential future stream restoration projects:

  • Country Club Hills
  • Daniels Run Park
  • Fair Woods Parkway
  • Dale Lestina Park
  • Fairfax Circle
  • Fairfax City Property Yard at Pickett Road
  • Accotink Creek north of Fairfax Boulevard

The project team presented their findings at a public meeting on May 15 and gathered initial feedback from the community about the proposed project locations.

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We have created a survey to collect additional feedback from the wider community. Please take this short survey. (You will be taken to experience.arcgis.com)

Help guide future stream restoration projects in Fairfax City.

The city recently completed a comprehensive assessment of Accotink Creek. The project team walked the entire stream and all its tributaries. Recorded observations included stream bank erosion, riparian buffer conditions, floodplain connection, and many more characteristics.

The data identified seven locations for potential future stream restoration projects:

  • Country Club Hills
  • Daniels Run Park
  • Fair Woods Parkway
  • Dale Lestina Park
  • Fairfax Circle
  • Fairfax City Property Yard at Pickett Road
  • Accotink Creek north of Fairfax Boulevard

The project team presented their findings at a public meeting on May 15 and gathered initial feedback from the community about the proposed project locations.

Your Feedback is Requested

We have created a survey to collect additional feedback from the wider community. Please take this short survey. (You will be taken to experience.arcgis.com)

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Page published: 12 Jun 2024, 11:32 AM