Capital Bikeshare Station Locations

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Thank you for taking the survey and providing your feedback. More information will be shared at a later date. 

Capital Bikeshare is coming to Fairfax City! Residents, students, and visitors will soon have access to shared bicycles available at 13 docking stations throughout the city. You’ve probably seen Capital Bikeshare stations before – there are more than 5,000 bikes at 600+ stations throughout the D.C. metro area. In addition to the stations planned in Fairfax City, stations are proposed in Fairfax County near the Vienna Metro station and on GMU’s Fairfax campus. The shared bicycles are an affordable and fun way to get to class, Metro, work, stores, parks, and restaurants.

The city has identified feasible locations for 13 Capital Bikeshare stations and is seeking to finalize station locations and develop installation plans.

Capital Bikeshare is coming to Fairfax City! Residents, students, and visitors will soon have access to shared bicycles available at 13 docking stations throughout the city. You’ve probably seen Capital Bikeshare stations before – there are more than 5,000 bikes at 600+ stations throughout the D.C. metro area. In addition to the stations planned in Fairfax City, stations are proposed in Fairfax County near the Vienna Metro station and on GMU’s Fairfax campus. The shared bicycles are an affordable and fun way to get to class, Metro, work, stores, parks, and restaurants.

The city has identified feasible locations for 13 Capital Bikeshare stations and is seeking to finalize station locations and develop installation plans.

Thank you for taking the survey and providing your feedback. More information will be shared at a later date. 

The Capital Bikeshare stations are funded and in design. If you have questions about the project, please submit them below.

  • Share GREAT to have Bikeshare in Fairfax City. It is fundamental that it connects with the Vienna Metro station, so let's make sure there is sufficient capacity there. The location on Layton hall is redundant and too close to the one at the Sherwood Center and the one at Democracy Lane. It would make much more sense to put one close to 123, specifically where the bike lane starts close to the 123 bridge. on Facebook Share GREAT to have Bikeshare in Fairfax City. It is fundamental that it connects with the Vienna Metro station, so let's make sure there is sufficient capacity there. The location on Layton hall is redundant and too close to the one at the Sherwood Center and the one at Democracy Lane. It would make much more sense to put one close to 123, specifically where the bike lane starts close to the 123 bridge. on Twitter Share GREAT to have Bikeshare in Fairfax City. It is fundamental that it connects with the Vienna Metro station, so let's make sure there is sufficient capacity there. The location on Layton hall is redundant and too close to the one at the Sherwood Center and the one at Democracy Lane. It would make much more sense to put one close to 123, specifically where the bike lane starts close to the 123 bridge. on Linkedin Email GREAT to have Bikeshare in Fairfax City. It is fundamental that it connects with the Vienna Metro station, so let's make sure there is sufficient capacity there. The location on Layton hall is redundant and too close to the one at the Sherwood Center and the one at Democracy Lane. It would make much more sense to put one close to 123, specifically where the bike lane starts close to the 123 bridge. link

    GREAT to have Bikeshare in Fairfax City. It is fundamental that it connects with the Vienna Metro station, so let's make sure there is sufficient capacity there. The location on Layton hall is redundant and too close to the one at the Sherwood Center and the one at Democracy Lane. It would make much more sense to put one close to 123, specifically where the bike lane starts close to the 123 bridge.

    Rick asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your suggestions. We agree that a bikeshare station at the Vienna Metro is important, and based on conversations with Fairfax County bikeshare planners, we understand that the County has plans to install a station there soon.

    Regarding the proposed station on Layton Hall Drive, while this station is close to the other proposed stations at Sherwood and Democracy Lane, staff's evaluation suggests that there will be sufficient demand from the nearby apartments (existing and under construction) to locate these stations closer together. 

    Thank you for the suggestion of a potential station near the trail at Chain Bridge Road and Kenmore Drive. A preliminary review of the location suggests this may not meet the station selection criteria in the near term, due to the limited bicycle network (particularly along Chain Bridge Rd) and lower density of residences and destinations. However, this location has been noted for future consideration.

  • Share Wonderful to see Bikeshare coming to Fairfax City. However, the Pickett Rd corridor is without proposed stations that could link with the narrow Old Lee Rd corridor being suggested. Providing stations at the Pickett Rd Shopping center and surrounding locations would tie in local trails and service a wider area. on Facebook Share Wonderful to see Bikeshare coming to Fairfax City. However, the Pickett Rd corridor is without proposed stations that could link with the narrow Old Lee Rd corridor being suggested. Providing stations at the Pickett Rd Shopping center and surrounding locations would tie in local trails and service a wider area. on Twitter Share Wonderful to see Bikeshare coming to Fairfax City. However, the Pickett Rd corridor is without proposed stations that could link with the narrow Old Lee Rd corridor being suggested. Providing stations at the Pickett Rd Shopping center and surrounding locations would tie in local trails and service a wider area. on Linkedin Email Wonderful to see Bikeshare coming to Fairfax City. However, the Pickett Rd corridor is without proposed stations that could link with the narrow Old Lee Rd corridor being suggested. Providing stations at the Pickett Rd Shopping center and surrounding locations would tie in local trails and service a wider area. link

    Wonderful to see Bikeshare coming to Fairfax City. However, the Pickett Rd corridor is without proposed stations that could link with the narrow Old Lee Rd corridor being suggested. Providing stations at the Pickett Rd Shopping center and surrounding locations would tie in local trails and service a wider area.

    Eblengel asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for the suggestion. This initial network of stations is focused on the Mason-to-Metro / Old Lee Highway corridor as this provides the best connections to the existing and planned bikeshare network outside the city. The system works best when there are many bikeshare stations close together, and the Pickett shopping center is not currently close to other planned stations. However, once the initial network is established there may be opportunities to expand the network in the future to other locations such as the Pickett and Main Activity Center.